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Get more people using your brand tracking data.

Enlyta helps enterprise insight teams make brand intelligence more engaging and easy to use.

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The stakeholders across your organization crave brand metrics, but sharing it with them in a useful way is easier said than done.

Power Point

PowerPoints can be overwhelming

Lengthy 100+ page reports make it hard for your stakeholders to find the insights they need.

BI big picture

Business Intelligence tools only show the big picture

Power BI and Tableau dashboards typically only show top-level brand KPIs, making it difficult to dig in and explore survey data.

Survey platform vision

End-to-end survey platforms limit your field of vision

All-in-one solutions restrict you to the data collected through their tooling.

Dashboards workflow

Clunky dashboards lack intuitive workflows

Market research dashboards and cross-tabbing tools are hard for anyone outside the insights team to use.

Enlyta helps you get valuable data into decision-makers’ hands.

Spend time creating brand insights rather than reacting to data requests. Enlyta is the intuitive brand intelligence platform that makes it easy for anyone in your organization to find the data they need – by themselves – in a few clicks.

Dashboard homepage

Enlyta has been a transformational addition to our business, with incredible engagement. The biggest benefit has been the time the Insights team has clawed back.
Enlyta has been a transformational addition to our business, with incredible engagement. The biggest benefit has been the time the Insights team has clawed back.
UK Telecoms Business

Insight & Research Manager

Having Enlyta has saved so much time. Whereas before stakeholders asked for numbers, now they do it themselves. When they do come to us, they now ask for the WHY, not the WHAT, which is the job we’re supposed to be doing.
Having Enlyta has saved so much time. Whereas before stakeholders asked for numbers, now they do it themselves. When they do come to us, they now ask for the WHY, not the WHAT, which is the job we’re supposed to be doing.
Food Delivery App

Senior Insights Manager

Case Study

Transforming the power of insights for a global bank

Enlyta Insights combined a global bank's existing knowledge, data, and insights to make them more influential and effective.

What types of data does Enlyta work with?

Enlyta Insights is a stand-alone SaaS solution that works with data from any source or any agency.

We take your brand data from your research agency and can integrate non-survey (contextual) data sources such as media spend, NPS, and social media data. So you get a complete view of your brand health.

Elevate Insights. Enlighten Decisions.

Bring your brand tracking to life. Book a demo today to see how Enlyta can help.

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