Blog | August 16, 2023

Bringing Your Insights to Life To Inform Better Brand Growth Decisions

Brand research is essential for growing your brand. However, valuable insights are often buried in lengthy presentations and denied the chance to inspire action.

In this article, we will explain why data visualization and being able to tell a story matters when it comes to brand growth strategy. We will also show you a better way to leverage all of your valuable insights using a powerful brand intelligence platform to boost your brand strategy.

The problem with siloed brand insights and long presentations

Brand research is a significant investment, as it uncovers valuable insight. However, no matter how good your findings are, they will not be helpful if they cannot be seen or understood by important decision-makers.

In other words, if your brand knowledge does not translate into engaging deliverables (if they sit in an inbox or hidden within a 200-page PowerPoint presentation), or if they cannot tell a story, their impact will never be maximized.

Sometimes, you can work on your research presentations to make them more engaging but the underlying problem remains: a PowerPoint file is just a file. And files are not enough to communicate the complexity of those insights that can deliver action and help you stay ahead of the competition.

A platform for brand growth

If you want to engage stakeholders and influence decisions, you should consider using a tool capable of capturing your audience’s attention. A solution that can ensure all the implications of the research are understood, accepted, and motivate collective action.

The best way to bring these decision-making considerations into focus is by using a brand intelligence platform that can make insights visible and clear to everyone involved.

The many benefits of brand data visualization

Our award-winning brand intelligence platform includes a native data visualization suite and various communication tools to make insights easier to see and act on.

For instance, our solution includes brand tracking dashboards, an extensive knowledge library, and insight stories that will allow you to:

  • Proactively engage decision-makers with insights that drive customer-centric decisions.
  • Make the complex feel simple when talking to stakeholders.
  • Socialise insights across the business to maximise impact.

Our data visualization suite can also help you improve the ROI of your insights, create an evidence-driven culture, and grow your brand. All of this is possible thanks to Enlyta Insights.

From insights to action

No matter how good your brand research is, insights won’t drive action unless you present them to your teams and clients in an engaging way that can tell a compelling story.

The best way to ensure everyone has access to all the relevant data is to use a brand intelligence platform. This type of solution can provide you with brand dashboards, data visualizations, search features, and file downloads - not to mention, use AI capabilities to help you simplify the work.

All of our tools and activities are designed to help you uncover uncommon insights by promoting unconventional thinking and embracing qualitative and quantitative methods.